For sponsoring and advertising services in the context of tcworld China conferences.
The contracting party Shanghai Bingmao Information Technology Co., Ltd., No. 3 Xuanhua Rd., Changning, Shanghai, CHINA, general manager Min Xie. The contract between the exhibitor and Bingmao is valid solely on the basis of the following conditions; the inclusion of terms and conditions by the exhibitor is expressly prohibited.
In the case of events associated with marktplace/exhibition, the booking of an advertising space/advertising medium or sponsorship shall be linked to participation as an exhibitor and shall only be possible after binding booking of the package.
Bookings made by e-mail, Wechat or fax are legally valid and binding. The exhibitor/sponsor is bound by his booking until the order confirmation is sent.
The contract, which shall be valid only for the event in question, shall be concluded upon confirmation of the order by Bingmao.
Agreements on the content, position etc. of the advertising space/advertising medium or sponsorship shall be made with Bingmao and shall be recorded in text form in the order confirmation.
Bingmao reserves the right to reject advertising content if it violates existing legal provisions or third-party rights (trademark, name, copyright, data protection rights, etc.), is immoral or racist, or is unreasonably contrary to the interests of Bingmao.
If the content of the order confirmation differs substantially from the content of the exhibitor’s booking, the contract shall still be concluded in accordance with the order confirmation unless the exhibitor/sponsor objects in text form within two weeks.
Booth sponsorship balance including booth setup must be paid in full upon submission of exhibit and/or sponsor application and within 15 days upon receiving the invoice. Failure to make payment does not relieve the obligation to pay the contracted amount. Bingmao reserves the right to reject an application or deny benefits and privileges for failure to make timely payment.
Cancellation of the booking of the confirmed advertising space/advertising medium or of the booking of the confirmed sponsoring services by the exhibitor is excluded.
Arrangements regarding booked services shall be made directly with Bingmao.
If the stated data delivery deadlines are exceeded, Bingmao reserves the right to charge the client for any additional expenses incurred.
Deviating submission deadlines or agreements shall only be valid in text form.
Only exhibitors/sponsors with a package that includes the booking of exhibitor presentations, keynote speeches or participation in the ideas market can book these if they are not included in the package.
The respective presentation slots will be allocated after receipt of the booking.
The exhibitor presentation shall be bindingly booked upon confirmation of the exhibitor presentation by Bingmao.
Exhibitors may not assign, sublet, or apportion the whole or any part of their allotted space. In addition, Exhibitors may not advertise or display products or services other than those manufactured or sold in their regular business. Exhibitor and/or Sponsor company descriptions in the on-site conference guide will be limited to one company name and identity listing. The distribution of samples, souvenirs, publications, etc., or other sales or sales promotion activities must be conducted by Exhibitor only from within its space. The distribution of any article that interferes with the activities or obstructs access to neighboring booths, or that impedes aisles, is prohibited. This includes placement of display racks, banners, brochures or other items outside of the designated space rented by the Exhibitor, as well as the offering of food or beverages.
Exhibitors/Sponsors are not allowed to place brochures, stickers, signs, pens, posters or marketing materials anywhere other than within their own booth space.
Only Exhibitors and Sponsors may host functions at the conference. Functions may not be scheduled at times that conflict with conference sessions or celebrations.
Installation must take place during the times provided by Bingmao unless Bingmao has previously provided written approval for installation at other times. Space not occupied by the start of the conference returns to Bingmao for discretionary use. Dismantling begins at the conference’s close and must be completed by the time indicated. Note: The Exhibitor assumes all financial responsibility for installation and dismantling of the exhibit.
All property of the Exhibitor/Sponsor is understood to remain under its custody and control in transit to and from or within the confines of the Facility. Bingmao and the Facility do not maintain insurance covering Exhibitor’s/Sponsor’s conduct or property.
The Exhibitor is liable for any damage caused to Facility floors, walls, columns, standard booth equipment, or other Exhibitors’ property. The Exhibitor may not mar, tack, make holes, or apply paint, lacquer, adhesives, or other coating to building columns and floors or to standard booth equipment.
The exhibitor/sponsor shall be obliged to check the advertising space/advertising media or sponsorship services produced for him before the start of the trade fair/event.
Complaints must be notified to Bingmao without delay so that any defects can be rectified. Subsequent complaints cannot be considered and shall not give rise to any claims against Bingmao, unless the defects are hidden. Such defects must be reported to Bingmao Co. Ltd. immediately after their occurrence.
The exhibitor/sponsor shall be solely liable for all damage arising from the provision of sponsorship or sponsorship services by the sponsor or exhibitor.
The total price of the booked package/the booked sponsoring or advertising services is to be paid net immediately, but no later than 2 weeks after receipt of the invoice.
If the event cannot take place due to force majeure or other reasons for which the organiser is not responsible, or if it has become unreasonable for the organiser to hold the event and the organiser cancels the event for one of these reasons, each party shall bear its own costs incurred up to that point. The organiser shall not be liable for damages incurred by the exhibitor/sponsor.
The premier gathering event for all decision-makers and specialists in the field of technical communication in China.
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